The Rise of Ryzen
While AMD was gaining more traction among users, hybrid work was becoming the preferred workstyle. These two insights drive the campaign message: lead the change with Lenovo and AMD – faster, more reliable tech solutions are here to back new work strategies.
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Social Media Posts
This wasn't about just devices. This was about Lenovo-AMD solutions helping SMBs reinforce their position with new ways to connect, collaborate, manage, and deploy.
Empowerment Videos
As Lenovo and AMD join forces, the hybrid worker can lead the change with purpose-built solutions and robust strategies.
Brochures & Flyers
The messaging focuses on how Lenovo-AMD made 'anywhere, anytime working' a gainful reality.
Display Banners
The messaging reassures the new-age worker: lead the change with Lenovo-AMD solutions, tools, and technology.
Landing page
& Email Marketing
These are confidence boosters backed by solid facts: Lenovo-AMD’s best-of-breed technology adapts seamlessly to every employee's flexible workstyle.